#!/usr/bin/env sh # # Acme.sh DNS API plugin for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure # Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates # # Required environment variables: # - OCI_TENANCY : OCID of tenancy that contains the target DNS zone # - OCI_USER : OCID of user with permission to add/remove records from zones # - OCI_FINGERPRINT: fingerprint of the public key for the user # - OCI_PRIVATE_KEY: Path to private API signing key file in PEM format # # Optional environment variables: # - OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE: if the private key above s encrypted, the passphrase is required # - OCI_REGION: Your home region will probably response the fastest # dns_oci_add() { _fqdn="$1" _rdata="$2" if _oci_config; then if ! _get_zone "$_fqdn"; then _err "Error: DNS Zone not found for $_fqdn." return 1 fi if [ "$_sub_domain" ] && [ "$_domain" ]; then _add_record_body="{\"items\":[{\"domain\":\"${_sub_domain}.${_domain}\",\"rdata\":\"$_rdata\",\"rtype\":\"TXT\",\"ttl\": 30,\"operation\":\"ADD\"}]}" response=$(_signed_request "PATCH" "/20180115/zones/${_domain}/records" "$_add_record_body") if [ "$response" ]; then _info "Success: added TXT record for ${_sub_domain}.${_domain}." else _err "Error: failed to add TXT record for ${_sub_domain}.${_domain}." return 1 fi fi else return 1 fi } dns_oci_rm() { _fqdn="$1" _rdata="$2" if _oci_config; then if ! _get_zone "$_fqdn"; then _err "Error: DNS Zone not found for $_fqdn." return 1 fi if [ "$_sub_domain" ] && [ "$_domain" ]; then _remove_record_body="{\"items\":[{\"domain\":\"${_sub_domain}.${_domain}\",\"rdata\":\"$_rdata\",\"rtype\":\"TXT\",\"operation\":\"REMOVE\"}]}" response=$(_signed_request "PATCH" "/20180115/zones/${_domain}/records" "$_remove_record_body") if [ "$response" ]; then _info "Success: removed TXT record for ${_sub_domain}.${_domain}." else _err "Error: failed to remove TXT record for ${_sub_domain}.${_domain}." return 1 fi fi else return 1 fi } #################### Private functions below ################################## _oci_config() { OCI_TENANCY="${OCI_TENANCY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable OCI_TENANCY)}" OCI_USER="${OCI_USER:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable OCI_USER)}" OCI_FINGERPRINT="${OCI_FINGERPRINT:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable OCI_FINGERPRINT)}" OCI_PRIVATE_KEY="${OCI_PRIVATE_KEY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable OCI_PRIVATE_KEY)}" OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE="${OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE)}" OCI_REGION="${OCI_REGION:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable OCI_REGION)}" _not_set="" _ret=0 if [ -f "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" ]; then OCI_PRIVATE_KEY="$(openssl enc -a -A <"$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY")" fi if [ -z "$OCI_TENANCY" ]; then _not_set="OCI_TENANCY " fi if [ -z "$OCI_USER" ]; then _not_set="${_not_set}OCI_USER " fi if [ -z "$OCI_FINGERPRINT" ]; then _not_set="${_not_set}OCI_FINGERPRINT " fi if [ -z "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" ]; then _not_set="${_not_set}OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" fi if [ "$_not_set" ]; then _err "Fatal: environment variable(s): ${_not_set} not set." _ret=1 else _saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_TENANCY "$OCI_TENANCY" _saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_USER "$OCI_USER" _saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_FINGERPRINT "$OCI_FINGERPRINT" _saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_PRIVATE_KEY "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" fi if [ "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" ] && [ "$(printf "%s\n" "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" | wc -l)" -eq 1 ]; then OCI_PRIVATE_KEY="$(echo "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" | openssl enc -d -a -A)" _secure_debug3 OCI_PRIVATE_KEY "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" fi if [ "$OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE "$OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE" fi if [ "$OCI_REGION" ]; then _saveaccountconf_mutable OCI_REGION "$OCI_REGION" else OCI_REGION="us-ashburn-1" fi return $_ret } # _get_zone(): retrieves the Zone name and OCID # # _sub_domain=_acme-challenge.www # _domain=domain.com # _domain_ociid=ocid1.dns-zone.oc1.. _get_zone() { domain=$1 i=1 p=1 while true; do h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f $i-100) _debug h "$h" if [ -z "$h" ]; then # not valid return 1 fi _domain_id=$(_signed_request "GET" "/20180115/zones/$h" "" "id") if [ "$_domain_id" ]; then _sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-$p) _domain=$h _debug _domain_id "$_domain_id" _debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" _debug _domain "$_domain" return 0 fi p=$i i=$(_math "$i" + 1) done return 1 } _signed_request() { _sig_method="$1" _sig_target="$2" _sig_body="$3" _return_field="$4" _sig_host="dns.$OCI_REGION.oraclecloud.com" _sig_keyId="$OCI_TENANCY/$OCI_USER/$OCI_FINGERPRINT" _sig_alg="rsa-sha256" _sig_version="1" _sig_now="$(LC_ALL=C \date -u "+%a, %d %h %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")" if [ "$OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE" ]; then export OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE="$OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE" _sig_passinArg="-passin env:OCI_KEY_PASSPHRASE" fi _request_method=$(printf %s "$_sig_method" | _lower_case) _curl_method=$(printf %s "$_sig_method" | _upper_case) _request_target="(request-target): $_request_method $_sig_target" _date_header="date: $_sig_now" _host_header="host: $_sig_host" _string_to_sign="$_request_target\n$_date_header\n$_host_header" _sig_headers="(request-target) date host" if [ "$_sig_body" ]; then _secure_debug3 _sig_body "$_sig_body" _sig_body_sha256="x-content-sha256: $(printf %s "$_sig_body" | openssl dgst -binary -sha256 | openssl enc -e -base64)" _sig_body_type="content-type: application/json" _sig_body_length="content-length: ${#_sig_body}" _string_to_sign="$_string_to_sign\n$_sig_body_sha256\n$_sig_body_type\n$_sig_body_length" _sig_headers="$_sig_headers x-content-sha256 content-type content-length" fi _tmp_file=$(_mktemp) if [ -f "$_tmp_file" ]; then printf '%s' "$OCI_PRIVATE_KEY" >"$_tmp_file" # Double quoting the file and passphrase breaks openssl # shellcheck disable=SC2086 _signature=$(printf '%b' "$_string_to_sign" | openssl dgst -sha256 -sign $_tmp_file $_sig_passinArg | openssl enc -e -base64 | tr -d '\r\n') rm -f "$_tmp_file" fi _signed_header="Authorization: Signature version=\"$_sig_version\",keyId=\"$_sig_keyId\",algorithm=\"$_sig_alg\",headers=\"$_sig_headers\",signature=\"$_signature\"" _secure_debug3 _signed_header "$_signed_header" if [ "$_curl_method" = "GET" ]; then export _H1="$_date_header" export _H2="$_signed_header" _response="$(_get "https://${_sig_host}${_sig_target}")" elif [ "$_curl_method" = "PATCH" ]; then export _H1="$_date_header" export _H2="$_sig_body_sha256" export _H3="$_sig_body_type" export _H4="$_sig_body_length" export _H5="$_signed_header" _response="$(_post "$_sig_body" "https://${_sig_host}${_sig_target}" "" "PATCH")" else _err "Unable to process method: $_curl_method." fi _ret="$?" if [ "$_return_field" ]; then _response="$(echo "$_response" | sed 's/\\\"//g'))" _return=$(echo "${_response}" | _egrep_o "\"$_return_field\"\\s*:\\s*\"[^\"]*\"" | _head_n 1 | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d "\"") else _return="$_response" fi printf "%s" "$_return" return $_ret }