#!/usr/bin/env sh #Support iOS Bark Notification #BARK_API_URL="https://api.day.app/xxxx" #BARK_SOUND="yyyy" #BARK_GROUP="zzzz" # subject content statusCode bark_send() { _subject="$1" _content="$2" _statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped _debug "_subject" "$_subject" _debug "_content" "$_content" _debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" BARK_API_URL="${BARK_API_URL:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable BARK_API_URL)}" if [ -z "$BARK_API_URL" ]; then BARK_API_URL="" _err "You didn't specify a Bark API URL BARK_API_URL yet." _err "You can download Bark from App Store and get yours." return 1 fi _saveaccountconf_mutable BARK_API_URL "$BARK_API_URL" BARK_SOUND="${BARK_SOUND:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable BARK_SOUND)}" _saveaccountconf_mutable BARK_SOUND "$BARK_SOUND" BARK_GROUP="${BARK_GROUP:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable BARK_GROUP)}" if [ -z "$BARK_GROUP" ]; then BARK_GROUP="ACME" _info "The BARK_GROUP is not set, so use the default ACME as group name." else _saveaccountconf_mutable BARK_GROUP "$BARK_GROUP" fi _content=$(echo "$_content" | _url_encode) _subject=$(echo "$_subject" | _url_encode) response="$(_get "$BARK_API_URL/$_subject/$_content?sound=$BARK_SOUND&group=$BARK_GROUP")" if [ "$?" = "0" ] && _contains "$response" "success"; then _info "Bark API fired success." return 0 fi _err "Bark API fired error." _err "$response" return 1 }