I have modified the following things:
Originally, "/data/assets/ssl/" is always appended to the varialbe ${_mailcow_path}. Since I use acme.sh as docker container, I only want to include the mailcow-ssl directory in the acem.sh container and not the complete mailcow directory. So now it is checked if the file generate_config.sh is in the directory (then it is the mailcow root directory, see https://github.com/mailcow/mailcow-dockerized) and only then "/data/assets/ssl/" is appended, in all other cases the passed variable is taken over unchanged.
Because of the RP mailcow/mailcow-dockerized#2443 I have extended the script with ECC certificates.
I adapted the reboot commands as described in the mailcow manual (https://mailcow.github.io/mailcow-dockerized-docs/firststeps-ssl/#how-to-use-your-own-certificate).
This hook will copy the key and certificate chain to the specified
mailcow installation (as described in
and restarts the containers, that are using the certificates.
The hook has 2 parameters:
* `DEPLOY_MAILCOW_PATH`: The path to the mailcow installation (required)
* `DEPLOY_MAILCOW_RELOAD`: The reload command, defaults to `docker-compose restart postfix-mailcow dovecot-mailcow nginx-mailcow`