fix compatible: apache before 2.4 and after 2.4

This commit is contained in:
neil 2016-04-05 21:40:48 +08:00
parent 615cb36029
commit b09d597c84
1 changed files with 19 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -783,13 +783,31 @@ _setApache() {
_info "The backup file will be deleted on sucess, just forget it."
#add alias
echo "
apacheVer="$(apachectl -V | grep "Server version:" | cut -d : -f 2 | cut -d " " -f 2 | cut -d '/' -f 2 )"
_debug "apacheVer" "$apacheVer"
apacheMajer="$(echo "$apacheVer" | cut -d . -f 1)"
apacheMinor="$(echo "$apacheVer" | cut -d . -f 2)"
if [[ "$apacheVer" ]] && [[ "$apacheMajer" -ge "2" ]] && [[ "$apacheMinor" -ge "4" ]] ; then
echo "
Alias /.well-known/acme-challenge $ACME_DIR
<Directory $ACME_DIR >
Require all granted
" >> $httpdconf
echo "
Alias /.well-known/acme-challenge $ACME_DIR
<Directory $ACME_DIR >
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
" >> $httpdconf
if ! apachectl -t ; then
_err "Sorry, apache config error, please contact me."