Bug fix: DNS TXT entries will now be removed for dns_gdnsdk.sh

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Dennis Vestergaard Værum 2020-05-14 22:49:04 +02:00
parent b18ce5ade0
commit 048f754d83
1 changed files with 10 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -157,9 +157,18 @@ _successful_update() {
_findentry() {
#args $1: fulldomain, $2: txtvalue
#returns id of dns entry, if it exists
_myget "action=dns_primary_changeDNSsetup&user_domain=$_domain"
_id=$(echo "$_result" | _egrep_o "<td>$1</td>\s*<td>$2</td>[^?]*[^&]*&id=[^&]*" | sed 's/^.*=//')
_debug3 "_result: $_result"
_tmp_result=$(echo "$_result" | tr -d '\n\r' | _egrep_o "<td>$1</td>\s*<td>$2</td>[^?]*[^&]*&id=[^&]*")
_debug _tmp_result "$_tmp_result"
if [ -z "${_tmp_result:-}" ]; then
_debug "The variable is _tmp_result is not supposed to be empty, there may be something wrong with the script"
_id=$(echo "$_tmp_result" | sed 's/^.*=//')
if [ -n "$_id" ]; then
_debug "Entry found with _id=$_id"
return 0