/* Copyright 2020 mx-puppet-skype Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import * as Parser from "node-html-parser"; import * as decodeHtml from "decode-html"; import * as escapeHtml from "escape-html"; import { IMessageEvent } from "mx-puppet-bridge"; import * as emoji from "node-emoji"; interface ISkypeMessageParserOpts { noQuotes?: boolean; } export class SkypeMessageParser { public parse(msg: string, opts: ISkypeMessageParserOpts = {}): IMessageEvent { opts = Object.assign({ noQuotes: false, }, opts); const nodes = Parser.parse(`${msg}`, { lowerCaseTagName: true, pre: true, }); return this.walkNode(nodes, opts); } private walkChildNodes(node: Parser.Node, opts: ISkypeMessageParserOpts): IMessageEvent { if (!node.childNodes.length) { return { body: "", formattedBody: "", }; } return node.childNodes.map((n) => this.walkNode(n, opts)).reduce((acc, curr) => { return { body: acc.body + curr.body, formattedBody: acc.formattedBody! + curr.formattedBody!, }; }); } private escape(s: string): IMessageEvent { return { body: decodeHtml(s), formattedBody: s.replace("\n", "
"), }; } private walkNode(node: Parser.Node, opts: ISkypeMessageParserOpts): IMessageEvent { if (node.nodeType === Parser.NodeType.TEXT_NODE) { return this.escape((node as Parser.TextNode).text); } else if (node.nodeType === Parser.NodeType.ELEMENT_NODE) { const nodeHtml = node as Parser.HTMLElement; switch (nodeHtml.tagName) { case "i": { const child = this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); return { body: `_${child.body}_`, formattedBody: `${child.formattedBody}`, }; } case "b": { const child = this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); return { body: `*${child.body}*`, formattedBody: `${child.formattedBody}`, }; } case "s": { const child = this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); return { body: `~${child.body}~`, formattedBody: `${child.formattedBody}`, }; } case "pre": { const child = this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); return { body: `{code}${child.body}{code}`, formattedBody: `${child.formattedBody}`, }; } case "a": { const href = nodeHtml.attributes.href; const child = this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); return { body: child.body === href ? href : `[${child.body}](${href})`, formattedBody: `${child.formattedBody}`, }; } case "quote": { if (opts.noQuotes) { return { body: "", formattedBody: "", }; } const child = this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); return { body: `> ${child.body}\n`, formattedBody: `
- ${nodeHtml.attributes.authorname}
`, }; } case "ss": { // skype emoji const type = nodeHtml.attributes.type; let emojiType = { smile: "slightly_smiling_face", sad: "slightly_frowning_face", laugh: "grin", cool: "sunglasses", hearteyes: "heart_eyes", stareyes: "star-struck", like: "thumbsup", cwl: "rolling_on_the_floor_laughing", xd: "laughing", happyface: "smiley", happyeyes: "smile", // hysterical: "", TODO: find sweatgrinning: "sweat_smile", // smileeyes: "", TODO: find blankface: "no_mouth", surprised: "astonished", upsidedownface: "upside_down_face", loudlycrying: "sob", shivering: "🥶", speechless: "😐️", tongueout: "stuck_out_tongue", winktongueout: "stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye", inlove: "🥰", // wonder: "", TODO: find // dull: "", TODO: find yawn: "🥱", puke: "face_vomiting", // doh: "", TODO: find angryface: "angry", angry: "rage", // wasntme: "", TODO: find // worry: "", TODO: find screamingfear: "scream", // veryconfused: "", TODO: find // mmm: "", TODO: find nerdy: "nerd_face", loveearth: "🌍️", // rainbowsmile: "", TODO: find // lipssealed: "", TODO: find devil: "smiling_imp", // envy: "", TODO: find // makeup: "", TODO: find think: "thinking_face", rofl: "rolling_on_the_floor_laughing", }[type]; const haveEmojiType = Boolean(emojiType); if (!emojiType) { emojiType = type; } let e = emoji.get(emojiType); if (e === `:${emojiType}:`) { e = emoji.get(emojiType + "_face"); } if (!e.startsWith(":")) { return { body: e, formattedBody: e, }; } if (haveEmojiType) { return { body: emojiType, formattedBody: emojiType, }; } return { body: `(${type})`, formattedBody: `(${escapeHtml(type)})`, }; } case "e_m": // empty edit tag case "legacyquote": // empty legacy quote tag return { body: "", formattedBody: "", }; default: return this.walkChildNodes(nodeHtml, opts); } } return { body: "", formattedBody: "", }; } }