
401 lines
15 KiB

* Mailvelope - secure email with OpenPGP encryption for Webmail
* Copyright (C) 2016 Mailvelope GmbH
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
'use strict';
const config = require('config');
const util = require('./util');
const tpl = require('../email/templates');
* Database documents have the format:
* {
* _id: ObjectId, // a randomly generated MongoDB document ID
* keyId: 'b8e4105cc9dedc77', // the 16 char key id in lowercase hex
* fingerprint: 'e3317db04d3958fd5f662c37b8e4105cc9dedc77', // the 40 char key fingerprint in lowercase hex
* userIds: [
* {
* name:'Jon Smith',
* email:'',
* nonce: "6a314915c09368224b11df0feedbc53c", // random 32 char verifier used to prove ownership
* verified: true // if the user ID has been verified
* }
* ],
* created: Sat Oct 17 2015 12:17:03 GMT+0200 (CEST), // key creation time as JavaScript Date
* uploaded: Sat Oct 17 2015 12:17:03 GMT+0200 (CEST), // time of key upload as JavaScript Date
* algorithm: 'rsa_encrypt_sign', // primary key alogrithm
* keySize: 4096, // key length in bits
* publicKeyArmored: '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ... -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'
* }
const DB_TYPE = 'publickey';
* A service that handlers PGP public keys queries to the database
class PublicKey {
* Create an instance of the service
* @param {Object} pgp An instance of the OpenPGP.js wrapper
* @param {Object} mongo An instance of the MongoDB client
* @param {Object} email An instance of the Email Sender
constructor(pgp, mongo, email) {
this._pgp = pgp;
this._mongo = mongo;
this._email = email;
* Persist a new public key
* @param {Array} emails (optional) The emails to upload/update
* @param {String} publicKeyArmored The ascii armored pgp key block
* @param {Object} origin Required for links to the keyserver e.g. { protocol:'https', host:'' }
* @param {Object} ctx Context
* @return {Promise}
async put({emails = [], publicKeyArmored, origin}, ctx) {
emails =;
// lazily purge old/unverified keys on every key upload
await this._purgeOldUnverified();
// parse key block
const key = await this._pgp.parseKey(publicKeyArmored);
// if emails array is empty, all userIds of the key will be submitted
if (emails.length) {
// keep submitted user IDs only
key.userIds = key.userIds.filter(({email}) => emails.includes(email));
if (key.userIds.length !== emails.length) {
util.throw(400, 'Provided email address does not match a valid user ID of the key');
// check for existing verified key with same id
const verified = await this.getVerified({keyId: key.keyId});
if (verified) {
key.userIds = await this._mergeUsers(verified.userIds, key.userIds, key.publicKeyArmored);
// reduce new key to verified user IDs
const filteredPublicKeyArmored = await this._pgp.filterKeyByUserIds(key.userIds.filter(({verified}) => verified), key.publicKeyArmored);
// update verified key with new key
key.publicKeyArmored = await this._pgp.updateKey(verified.publicKeyArmored, filteredPublicKeyArmored);
} else {
key.userIds = key.userIds.filter(userId => userId.status === KEY_STATUS_VALID);
if (!key.userIds.length) {
util.throw(400, 'Invalid PGP key: no valid user IDs found');
await this._addKeyArmored(key.userIds, key.publicKeyArmored);
// new key, set armored to null
key.publicKeyArmored = null;
// send mails to verify user ids
await this._sendVerifyEmail(key, origin, ctx);
// store key in database
await this._persistKey(key);
* Delete all keys where no user id has been verified after x days.
* @return {Promise}
async _purgeOldUnverified() {
// create date in the past to compare with
const xDaysAgo = new Date();
xDaysAgo.setDate(xDaysAgo.getDate() - config.publicKey.purgeTimeInDays);
// remove unverified keys older than x days (or no 'uploaded' attribute)
return this._mongo.remove({
'userIds.verified': {$ne: true},
uploaded: {$lt: xDaysAgo}
}, DB_TYPE);
* Merge existing and new user IDs
* @param {Array} existingUsers source user IDs
* @param {Array} newUsers new user IDs
* @param {String} publicKeyArmored armored key block of new user IDs
* @return {Array} merged user IDs
async _mergeUsers(existingUsers, newUsers, publicKeyArmored) {
const result = [];
// existing verified valid or revoked users
const verifiedUsers = existingUsers.filter(userId => userId.verified);
// valid new users which are not yet verified
const validUsers = newUsers.filter(userId => userId.status === KEY_STATUS_VALID && !this._includeEmail(verifiedUsers, userId));
// pending users are not verified, not newly submitted
const pendingUsers = existingUsers.filter(userId => !userId.verified && !this._includeEmail(validUsers, userId));
await this._addKeyArmored(validUsers, publicKeyArmored);
result.push(...validUsers, ...pendingUsers, ...verifiedUsers);
return result;
* Create amored key block which contains the corresponding user ID only and add it to the user ID object
* @param {Array} userIds user IDs to be extended
* @param {String} PublicKeyArmored armored key block to be filtered
* @return {Promise}
async _addKeyArmored(userIds, publicKeyArmored) {
for (const userId of userIds) {
userId.publicKeyArmored = await this._pgp.filterKeyByUserIds([userId], publicKeyArmored);
userId.notify = true;
_includeEmail(users, user) {
return users.find(({email}) => email ===;
* Send verification emails to the public keys user ids for verification.
* If a primary email address is provided only one email will be sent.
* @param {Array} userIds user id documents containg the verification nonces
* @param {Object} origin the server's origin (required for email links)
* @param {Object} ctx Context
* @return {Promise}
async _sendVerifyEmail({userIds, keyId}, origin, ctx) {
for (const userId of userIds) {
if (userId.notify && userId.notify === true) {
// generate nonce for verification
userId.nonce = util.random();
await this._email.send({template: tpl.verifyKey.bind(null, ctx), userId, keyId, origin, publicKeyArmored: userId.publicKeyArmored});
* Persist the public key and its user ids in the database.
* @param {Object} key public key parameters
* @return {Promise}
async _persistKey(key) {
// delete old/unverified key
await this._mongo.remove({keyId: key.keyId}, DB_TYPE);
// generate nonces for verification
for (const userId of key.userIds) {
// remove status from user
delete userId.status;
// remove notify flag from user
delete userId.notify;
// persist new key
const r = await this._mongo.create(key, DB_TYPE);
if (r.insertedCount !== 1) {
util.throw(500, 'Failed to persist key');
* Verify a user id by proving knowledge of the nonce.
* @param {string} keyId Correspronding public key id
* @param {string} nonce The verification nonce proving email address ownership
* @return {Promise} The email that has been verified
async verify({keyId, nonce}) {
// look for verification nonce in database
const query = {keyId, 'userIds.nonce': nonce};
const key = await this._mongo.get(query, DB_TYPE);
if (!key) {
util.throw(404, 'User ID not found');
await this._removeKeysWithSameEmail(key, nonce);
let {publicKeyArmored, email} = key.userIds.find(userId => userId.nonce === nonce);
// update armored key
if (key.publicKeyArmored) {
publicKeyArmored = await this._pgp.updateKey(key.publicKeyArmored, publicKeyArmored);
// flag the user id as verified
await this._mongo.update(query, {
'userIds.$.verified': true,
'userIds.$.nonce': null,
'userIds.$.publicKeyArmored': null
}, DB_TYPE);
return {email};
* Removes keys with the same email address
* @param {String} options.keyId source key ID
* @param {Array} options.userIds user IDs of source key
* @param {Array} nonce relevant nonce
* @return {Promise}
async _removeKeysWithSameEmail({keyId, userIds}, nonce) {
return this._mongo.remove({
keyId: {$ne: keyId},
'': userIds.find(u => u.nonce === nonce).email
}, DB_TYPE);
* Check if a verified key already exists either by fingerprint, 16 char key id,
* or email address. There can only be one verified user ID for an email address
* at any given time.
* @param {Array} userIds A list of user ids to check
* @param {string} fingerprint The public key fingerprint
* @param {string} keyId (optional) The public key id
* @return {Object} The verified key document
async getVerified({userIds, fingerprint, keyId}) {
let queries = [];
// query by fingerprint
if (fingerprint) {
fingerprint: fingerprint.toLowerCase(),
'userIds.verified': true
// query by key id (to prevent key id collision)
if (keyId) {
keyId: keyId.toLowerCase(),
'userIds.verified': true
// query by user id
if (userIds) {
queries = queries.concat( => ({
userIds: {
$elemMatch: {
'email': util.normalizeEmail(,
'verified': true
return this._mongo.get({$or: queries}, DB_TYPE);
* Fetch a verified public key from the database. Either the key id or the
* email address muss be provided.
* @param {string} fingerprint (optional) The public key fingerprint
* @param {string} keyId (optional) The public key id
* @param {String} email (optional) The user's email address
* @param {Object} ctx Context
* @return {Object} The public key document
async get({fingerprint, keyId, email}, ctx) {
// look for verified key
const userIds = email ? [{email}] : undefined;
const key = await this.getVerified({keyId, fingerprint, userIds});
if (!key) {
util.throw(404, ctx.__('key_not_found'));
// clean json return value (_id, nonce)
delete key._id;
key.userIds = => ({
verified: uid.verified
return key;
* Request removal of the public key by flagging all user ids and sending
* a verification email to the primary email address. Only one email
* needs to sent to a single user id to authenticate removal of all user ids
* that belong the a certain key id.
* @param {String} keyId (optional) The public key id
* @param {String} email (optional) The user's email address
* @param {Object} origin Required for links to the keyserver e.g. { protocol:'https', host:'' }
* @param {Object} ctx Context
* @return {Promise}
async requestRemove({keyId, email, origin}, ctx) {
// flag user ids for removal
const key = await this._flagForRemove(keyId, email);
if (!key) {
util.throw(404, 'User ID not found');
// send verification mails
keyId = key.keyId; // get keyId in case request was by email
for (const userId of key.userIds) {
await this._email.send({template: tpl.verifyRemove.bind(null, ctx), userId, keyId, origin});
* Flag all user IDs of a key for removal by generating a new nonce and
* saving it. Either a key id or email address must be provided
* @param {String} keyId (optional) The public key id
* @param {String} email (optional) The user's email address
* @return {Array} A list of user ids with nonces
async _flagForRemove(keyId, email) {
email = util.normalizeEmail(email);
const query = email ? {'': email} : {keyId};
const key = await this._mongo.get(query, DB_TYPE);
if (!key) {
// flag only the provided user id
if (email) {
const nonce = util.random();
await this._mongo.update(query, {'userIds.$.nonce': nonce}, DB_TYPE);
const uid = key.userIds.find(u => === email);
uid.nonce = nonce;
return {userIds: [uid], keyId: key.keyId};
// flag all key user ids
if (keyId) {
for (const uid of key.userIds) {
const nonce = util.random();
await this._mongo.update({'':}, {'userIds.$.nonce': nonce}, DB_TYPE);
uid.nonce = nonce;
return key;
* Verify the removal of the user's key id by proving knowledge of the nonce.
* Also deletes all user id documents of that key id.
* @param {string} keyId public key id
* @param {string} nonce The verification nonce proving email address ownership
* @return {Promise}
async verifyRemove({keyId, nonce}) {
// check if key exists in database
const flagged = await this._mongo.get({keyId, 'userIds.nonce': nonce}, DB_TYPE);
if (!flagged) {
util.throw(404, 'User ID not found');
if (flagged.userIds.length === 1) {
// delete the key
await this._mongo.remove({keyId}, DB_TYPE);
return flagged.userIds[0];
// update the key
const rmIdx = flagged.userIds.findIndex(userId => userId.nonce === nonce);
const rmUserId = flagged.userIds[rmIdx];
if (rmUserId.verified) {
if (flagged.userIds.filter(({verified}) => verified).length > 1) {
flagged.publicKeyArmored = await this._pgp.removeUserId(, flagged.publicKeyArmored);
} else {
flagged.publicKeyArmored = null;
flagged.userIds.splice(rmIdx, 1);
await this._mongo.update({keyId}, flagged, DB_TYPE);
return rmUserId;
module.exports = PublicKey;