'use strict'; const fs = require('fs'); const log = require('npmlog'); const openpgp = require('openpgp'); const PGP = require('../../src/service/pgp'); describe('PGP Unit Tests', () => { let sandbox; let pgp; let key1Armored; let key2Armored; let key3Armored; beforeEach(() => { sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create(); sandbox.stub(log); key1Armored = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../key1.asc`, 'utf8'); key2Armored = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../key2.asc`, 'utf8'); key3Armored = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../key3.asc`, 'utf8'); pgp = new PGP(); }); afterEach(() => { sandbox.restore(); }); describe('parseKey', () => { it('should should throw error on key parsing', () => { sandbox.stub(openpgp.key, 'readArmored').returns({err: [new Error()]}); expect(pgp.parseKey.bind(pgp, key3Armored)).to.throw(/Failed to parse/); expect(log.error.calledOnce).to.be.true; }); it('should should throw error when more than one key', () => { sandbox.stub(openpgp.key, 'readArmored').returns({keys: [{}, {}]}); expect(pgp.parseKey.bind(pgp, key3Armored)).to.throw(/only one key/); }); it('should should throw error when more than one key', () => { sandbox.stub(openpgp.key, 'readArmored').returns({ keys: [{ primaryKey: {}, verifyPrimaryKey() { return false; } }] }); expect(pgp.parseKey.bind(pgp, key3Armored)).to.throw(/primary key verification/); }); it('should only accept 16 char key id', () => { sandbox.stub(openpgp.key, 'readArmored').returns({ keys: [{ primaryKey: { fingerprint: '4277257930867231ce393fb8dbc0b3d92b1b86e9', getKeyId() { return { toHex() { return 'asdf'; } }; } }, verifyPrimaryKey() { return openpgp.enums.keyStatus.valid; } }] }); expect(pgp.parseKey.bind(pgp, key3Armored)).to.throw(/only v4 keys/); }); it('should only accept version 4 fingerprint', () => { sandbox.stub(openpgp.key, 'readArmored').returns({ keys: [{ primaryKey: { fingerprint: '4277257930867231ce393fb8dbc0b3d92b1b86e', getKeyId() { return { toHex() { return 'dbc0b3d92b1b86e9'; } }; } }, verifyPrimaryKey() { return openpgp.enums.keyStatus.valid; } }] }); expect(pgp.parseKey.bind(pgp, key3Armored)).to.throw(/only v4 keys/); }); it('should only accept valid user ids', () => { sandbox.stub(pgp, 'parseUserIds').returns([]); expect(pgp.parseKey.bind(pgp, key3Armored)).to.throw(/invalid user ids/); }); it('should be able to parse RSA key', () => { const params = pgp.parseKey(key1Armored); expect(params.keyId).to.equal('dbc0b3d92b1b86e9'); expect(params.fingerprint).to.equal('4277257930867231ce393fb8dbc0b3d92b1b86e9'); expect(params.userIds[0].name).to.equal('safewithme testuser'); expect(params.userIds[0].email).to.equal('safewithme.testuser@gmail.com'); expect(params.created.getTime()).to.exist; expect(params.algorithm).to.equal('rsa_encrypt_sign'); expect(params.keySize).to.equal(2048); expect(params.publicKeyArmored).to.equal(key1Armored); }); it('should be able to parse RSA/ECC key', () => { const params = pgp.parseKey(key2Armored); expect(params.keyId).to.equal('b8e4105cc9dedc77'); expect(params.fingerprint).to.equal('e3317db04d3958fd5f662c37b8e4105cc9dedc77'); expect(params.userIds.length).to.equal(1); expect(params.created.getTime()).to.exist; expect(params.algorithm).to.equal('rsa_encrypt_sign'); expect(params.keySize).to.equal(4096); expect(params.publicKeyArmored).to.equal(pgp.trimKey(key2Armored)); }); it('should be able to parse komplex key', () => { const params = pgp.parseKey(key3Armored); expect(params.keyId).to.equal('4001a127a90de8e1'); expect(params.fingerprint).to.equal('04062c70b446e33016e219a74001a127a90de8e1'); expect(params.userIds.length).to.equal(4); expect(params.created.getTime()).to.exist; expect(params.algorithm).to.equal('rsa_encrypt_sign'); expect(params.keySize).to.equal(4096); expect(params.publicKeyArmored).to.equal(pgp.trimKey(key3Armored)); }); }); describe('trimKey', () => { it('should be the same as key1', () => { const trimmed = pgp.trimKey(key1Armored); expect(trimmed).to.equal(key1Armored); }); it('should not be the same as key2', () => { const trimmed = pgp.trimKey(key2Armored); expect(trimmed).to.not.equal(key2Armored); }); }); describe('validateKeyBlock', () => { const KEY_BEGIN = '-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; const KEY_END = '-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----'; it('should return true for valid key block', () => { const input = KEY_BEGIN + KEY_END; expect(pgp.validateKeyBlock(input)).to.be.true; }); it('should return false for invalid key block', () => { const input = KEY_END + KEY_BEGIN; expect(pgp.validateKeyBlock(input)).to.be.false; }); it('should return false for invalid key block', () => { const input = KEY_END; expect(pgp.validateKeyBlock(input)).to.be.false; }); it('should return false for invalid key block', () => { const input = KEY_BEGIN; expect(pgp.validateKeyBlock(input)).to.be.false; }); }); describe('parseUserIds', () => { let key; beforeEach(() => { key = openpgp.key.readArmored(key1Armored).keys[0]; }); it('should parse a valid user id', () => { const parsed = pgp.parseUserIds(key.users, key.primaryKey); expect(parsed[0].name).to.equal('safewithme testuser'); expect(parsed[0].email).to.equal('safewithme.testuser@gmail.com'); }); it('should throw for an empty user ids array', () => { expect(pgp.parseUserIds.bind(pgp, [], key.primaryKey)).to.throw(/no user id/); }); it('should return no user id for an invalid signature', () => { key.users[0].userId.userid = 'fake@example.com'; const parsed = pgp.parseUserIds(key.users, key.primaryKey); expect(parsed.length).to.equal(0); }); it('should throw for a invalid email address', () => { sandbox.stub(key.users[0], 'isValidSelfCertificate').returns(true); key.users[0].userId.userid = 'safewithme testuser '; const parsed = pgp.parseUserIds(key.users, key.primaryKey); expect(parsed.length).to.equal(0); }); }); });