'use strict'; require('co-mocha')(require('mocha')); // monkey patch mocha for generators const log = require('npmlog'); const Mongo = require('../../src/dao/mongo'); const expect = require('chai').expect; describe('Mongo Integration Tests', function() { this.timeout(20000); const DB_TYPE = 'apple'; let mongo; before(function *() { let credentials; try { credentials = require('../../credentials.json'); } catch(e) { log.info('mongo-test', 'No credentials.json found ... using environment vars.'); } mongo = new Mongo({ uri: process.env.MONGO_URI || credentials.mongoUri, user: process.env.MONGO_USER || credentials.mongoUser, password: process.env.MONGO_PASS || credentials.mongoPass }); yield mongo.connect(); }); beforeEach(function *() { yield mongo.clear(DB_TYPE); }); afterEach(function() {}); after(function *() { yield mongo.clear(DB_TYPE); yield mongo.disconnect(); }); describe("create", function() { it('should insert a document', function *() { let r = yield mongo.create({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r.insertedCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should fail if two with the same ID are inserted', function *() { let r = yield mongo.create({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r.insertedCount).to.equal(1); try { r = yield mongo.create({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); } catch(e) { expect(e.message).to.match(/duplicate/); } }); }); describe("batch", function() { it('should insert a document', function *() { let r = yield mongo.batch([{ _id:'0' }, { _id:'1' }], DB_TYPE); expect(r.insertedCount).to.equal(2); }); it('should fail if docs with the same ID are inserted', function *() { let r = yield mongo.batch([{ _id:'0' }, { _id:'1' }], DB_TYPE); expect(r.insertedCount).to.equal(2); try { r = yield mongo.batch([{ _id:'0' }, { _id:'1' }], DB_TYPE); } catch(e) { expect(e.message).to.match(/duplicate/); } }); }); describe("update", function() { it('should update a document', function *() { let r = yield mongo.create({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); r = yield mongo.update({ _id:'0' }, { foo:'bar' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r.modifiedCount).to.equal(1); r = yield mongo.get({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r.foo).to.equal('bar'); }); }); describe("get", function() { it('should get a document', function *() { let r = yield mongo.create({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); r = yield mongo.get({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r).to.exist; }); }); describe("list", function() { it('should list documents', function *() { let r = yield mongo.batch([{ _id:'0', foo:'bar' }, { _id:'1', foo:'bar' }], DB_TYPE); r = yield mongo.list({ foo:'bar' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r).to.deep.equal([{ _id:'0', foo:'bar' }, { _id:'1', foo:'bar' }], DB_TYPE); }); }); describe("remove", function() { it('should remove a document', function *() { let r = yield mongo.create({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); r = yield mongo.remove({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); r = yield mongo.get({ _id:'0' }, DB_TYPE); expect(r).to.not.exist; }); }); });